1.1 A Typical Java Development Environment
1.1.1 The steps to create and execute a Java application
Phase 1: Edit
Program is created in an editor and stored on disk in a file whose name ends with .java
Phase 2: Compile
Compiler creates bytecodes and stores them on disk in a file whose name ends with .class ( .class文件的个数取决于类的个数,而不是.java文件的个数)
Phase 3: Load
Class loader reads .class files containing bytecodes from disk and puts those bytecodes in memory
load 后,类定义以class类的对象的形式存储在内存中
Phase 4: Verify
Bytecode verifier confirms that all bytecodes are valid and do not violate Java’s security restrictions
Phase 5: Execution
To execute the program, the JVM reads bytecodes and just-in-time(JIT) compiles(translates) them into a language that the computer can understand. As the program executes, it may store data values in primary memory
1.1.2 Tips
- .class 以 Java Bytecode 的形式存储
- 在 Ececution 阶段,JVM 既有 interpreter,也有compile。JVM 在解释的同时也有动态/即时编译,即 JIT Compile。(hot spot)
1.2 Java Characteristics
- Simple
- Secure
- Portable
- Robust
- Object-oriented
- Architecture-neutral
- Multithreaded (多线程的)
- 进程 process —-> 线程 thread(多个线程并发)
- Interpreted (解释性的)
- High performance(高性能的)
- Distributed(分布式的)
- Java was designed with the distributed environment. It can be transmit, run over the internet.
- Dynamic(动态的)
- Class loader 将类动态加载如JVM中
1.3 Different from C++
Features | C++ | Java |
pointer | Yes | No |
goto Statement | Yes | No |
unsigned Data Types | Yes | No |
Operator Overloading | Yes | No |
Preprocessor Directives (#define) | Yes | No |
Multiple Inheritance | Yes | No |
Memory Management | Explicit ( 显式 ) | Implicit ( 隐式 ) |
Structures Concept | Yes | No |
- C++支持多继承,Java不支持多继承
- C++为显式的内存管理,Java为隐式的内存管理
- Memory Leak(内存泄漏): 当没有用的内存没有释放的时候,会造成内存泄漏。C++需要手动释放内存,Java中的JVM自动管理内存。Java程序仍然存在内存泄漏,但要比C++少很多
- 判断一个内存是否应当回收:有无指针指向这片内存(寻找GC Roots)
1.4 Others
1.4.1 Java Class Libraries
- Java programs consist of pieces called classes
- Classed include methods that perform tasks and return information when the tasks complete
- Java class libraries
- Rich collections of existing classes
- Also known as the Java APIs
1.4.2 Program Languages
- Imperative(命令式的): C, C++, Java, …
- 下达命令时很清晰,明确指定方法的步骤
- 问题:冯·诺依曼瓶颈
- Functional(函数式的): SQL( 非过程化的语言 ), …
- 这一类语言特点是将函数当变量用,类似Lambda Expressions
- Logical(逻辑式的)
1.4.3 Class 类
- Instance of class represent classes and interfaces in a running Java application.
- class类没有构造函数,class类的对象是Class Loader在load .class 文件时产生的,不能手动new一个